Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ѕσggу тα¢σ ρяσ∂υ¢тισηz

ѕσggу тα¢σ ρяσ∂υ¢тισηz  http://goanimate.com/user/0dkNPPFgFG-8

Star Trek Stinks
1  http://goanimate.com/movie/0j48rlF3lTDo  (1:11)
2  http://goanimate.com/movie/0yZkpRnZ5s6E  (1:01)
3 Lost  http://goanimate.com/movie/0t6jpRKxZ7RM  (1:31)
4 Finale  http://goanimate.com/movie/0-7nK0lEBm0U  (1:42)
Spock's Extermination  http://goanimate.com/movie/0wzC3Ab0GZR8  (0:35)
Spock's Random Time Part 1 http://goanimate.com/movie/0s9QK3G8BVUA (0:28)


Morton Productions
Code:  TFF is The Final Frontier (Not my abbreviation, the filmmaker's).  As of Nov, 2011, roughly 3/4 hour of videos.

Star Trek Trilogy 1  http://goanimate.com/movie/0GUeaAhxdW5o  (0:45)
Star Trek Trilogy 2  http://goanimate.com/movie/0K3q8_LawSF8 (1:02)
Star Trek Trilogy 3  http://goanimate.com/movie/01kqeUceigWA  (1:56)
Star Trek Trilogy 4  http://goanimate.com/movie/0Irr_dVroESs  (1:28)
Star Trek Trilogy 5  http://goanimate.com/movie/08rjsV_HTzLs   (3:27)
Star Trek Trilogy Ep1 Season 2:   http://goanimate.com/movie/0mBV4V-cILVU (1:56)
Star Trek Trilogy Ep2 Season 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0m1Cic7IdLe0  (3:45)
Star Trek Trilogy Ep3 Season 2:   http://goanimate.com/movie/0FNSX-txd89I (2:01)
Star Trek Trilogy Ep4 Season 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/05JKs0hvFryo  (2:34)
STF: The Proluge [sic]   http://goanimate.com/movie/0NOp3zM6MuZg  (2:07)
Star Trek TFF: The Amulet Part 1  http://goanimate.com/movie/0FyDPGuy5WQw  (4:05)
Star Trek TFF: The Amulet Part 2  http://goanimate.com/movie/0i9qrVkdR_3g  (4:26)
Star Trek: The Ultimate Missions 1  http://goanimate.com/movie/0D7cTlLGJjvY   (6:52)
Star Trek TFF: The Death of the USS Enterprise http://goanimate.com/movie/05NdLvHy_G38  (6:22)
Star Trek: The Adventures Ep 1 S 1   http://goanimate.com/videos/0gDv_YpzMVHw  (6:17)
Star Trek: The Adventures Ep 2 S 1   http://goanimate.com/videos/0C68_DQGNonU   (2:27)
Star Trek: The Adventures Ep 3 S 1   http://goanimate.com/videos/0WiuhCc6aKTQ  (2:36)
Star Trek: The Adventures Ep 4 S 1   http://goanimate.com/videos/01g7GZeeDZlg   (4:38)
Star Trek: The Adventures Season 2 Trailer http://goanimate.com/videos/0JPQTWJGh2fQ (0:44)
Star Trek: The Adventures Ep 1 S 2  http://goanimate.com/videos/0GyhCNoxz2wA  (3:27)
Star Trek: The Adventures Ep. 2 S 2 http://goanimate.com/videos/0woFHP4KTs6U (2:07)
Star Trek: The Adventures CONTEST:  http://goanimate.com/videos/0McMAgLqoTGc  (1:14)
Star Trek: The Adventures Ep. 3 S 2 http://goanimate.com/videos/0JW-UGU30mkc  (2:15)
Star Trek: The Adventure Ep. 4 S. 2 http://goanimate.com/videos/0aynhz1zmFHI (4:33)
Star Trek: The Adventure Ep 1 S. 3  http://goanimate.com/videos/0kndsnVROnyw (2:05)

Star Trek: The Adventure NEW INTRO:  http://goanimate.com/videos/0ALr6Fj11xCs (2:48)

Other space themes are used, I'll have to watch the videos to see if ST theme is used.  This one uses both Trek and other space themes:
The War for the Universe - Part 1  http://goanimate.com/videos/0mWOuqXV0x68   (7:09)



Star Trek: Garzags Revenge   http://goanimate.com/movie/06iVl-0Iizhw  (1:58)

The Makts

The Makts
Warning: foul language
e.r.b.h. columbus v. captain kirk http://goanimate.com/movie/0MsaGnEgEqJc    (2:00)



Space Trecks (or Space Treck)
Part 1   http://goanimate.com/movie/0y8zeQzw_Www  (0:45)
Part 2   http://goanimate.com/movie/0b6I3bGu9l0A (0:44)
Part 3   http://goanimate.com/movie/0ermML1vq_5k (1:36)

Bяadl3Y W3sTgarth 1999

Bradley Westgarth 1999

One 9 second video, only uses Trek characters.

MIA Badge  http://goanimate.com/movie/0B9pNy97Za3I (0:09)



Over 100 videos, the following are the ones labeled, "Star Trek" or which feature Trek characters.
This is a blog he has created about his own videos, with the results of a search for his Trek videos: http://animationandvideo.blogspot.com.au/search?q=star+trek

Laundry Day

Part 1  http://goanimate.com/movie/0MPZH49lG7L8  (0:50)
Part 2  http://goanimate.com/movie/0AkLjRdS5hvU  (0:54)
Part 3  http://goanimate.com/movie/0u3dqq8uCh5g  (0:53)
Part 4  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ZjXJtKRnpt8  (1:16)
Part 5  http://goanimate.com/movie/0VTW2AOUWpZQ  (1:56)

On this same theme, etourist created Uhara's Laundry Day Delicates on Xtranormal:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qrFkzzzPKs (1:53)
This placed seventh in Xtranormal's summer, 2011 movie competition.

The Re-Animation of Khan  http://goanimate.com/movie/0VgxuhKI9JzU  (4:54)
Funky Cold Medina - Tone Loc VS Star Trek  http://goanimate.com/movie/0bFiSpBAaQc8    (4:14)
The Final Complaint - GoA Complaint Department  http://goanimate.com/videos/0ti_R3Hdoo6w (3:08)

Monday, November 28, 2011



2 Star Trek Videos

Star Trek Villians http://goanimate.com/movie/0LqTnRDkJD7c  (0:12)
Star Trek - Gorn is an evil leader http://goanimate.com/movie/0I11ANu3jEWg  (0:23)

Night fang

Night fang

Two Star Trek videos.

Star Trek The movie  http://goanimate.com/movie/0PIXVK18jmjA  (1:54)
Star Trek The movie Part 2 preview   http://goanimate.com/movie/0IXEax4VbeR0  (1:23)



5 Star Trek Videos.

Star Trek
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0Ul3cmF_XMfU  (1:55)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0jKVHNayoCig  (1:48)
Part 3:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0iFKMosReKOo  (1:42)
Part 4:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0h9FDx4GhP5w  (1:45)
Part 5:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0cZKaUQm4Jnw  (1:58)



One Star Trek video, Star Trek Mutiny,  http://goanimate.com/movie/0GIi6_SJ2brk  (3:39)

MattyG Productions

MattyG Productions (formerly MattyGspot)
Star Trek: Recovery or Star Trek: USS Recovery (both are used)  Original Time Line, set after the destruction of Romulas, but uses the animation characters created for TOS.  The panel displays look like TNG or beyond.  http://goanimate.com/user/0cOmslaJwZfk#  This is a set of short videos in a continuing (or single) story.  I found the first two slow, but after that the story picked up.  The show also brings in the subject of dealing with addiction, which is a very appropriate use of Star Trek.
Eps. 1  Promises: http://goanimate.com/movie/0YT3Rd4UGrCQ/1  (6:27)
Eps. 2  Maiden Voyage:   http://goanimate.com/movie/0U6zt937Xs8Q/1   (13:14)
Eps. 3  Burn the Constitution http://goanimate.com/movie/0eqozWESWAtI/1   (5:15)
Eps. 4  Knick of Time  http://goanimate.com/movie/0lVlPKQ1xKWQ/1  (8:12)
Eps. 5  Ill Wind http://goanimate.com/movie/0pZgp125H7nM/1 (10:35)
Eps. 6 Cromwell's Shame http://goanimate.com/movie/0zt0lq_Fth2k/1 (5:09)
at 48 minutes 52 seconds, not quite the 1 hour mark for Go!Animate

Romulan Schism:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0M3T0z_7Y_YI  (7:06)  Set 5 years after Kirk and Spock stole the Romulan Cloaking device.

MattyG has interviewed Solarbaby and turned it into an animation!  Watch it here: http://goanimate.com/movie/0bvSCZC0l_9I (10:33)

Saturday, November 26, 2011



Star Trek: The Itch:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0vOIhby5c9IQ  (1:37)

Quite Good, probably would rate a 3 or above if I were still rating videos:
Octillions Children
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0szi9NEo8Edc  (4:29)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ZaPxBOVXUg4  (7:20)

Star Trek Cast Goodbyes!   http://goanimate.com/videos/0fo0J1bzByF8 (1:34)



Star Trek 2012  http://goanimate.com/movie/0b0gv9JnnKuo/1 (8:21)

The Verily

The Verily
When Star Trek Was Stupid aka Star Treck the other really stupid episode  http://goanimate.com/movie/0pZXhmWdo14c (2:00)


EnjoyingLifeinSeoul  Many films, five Trek.

Where is Everyone?  http://goanimate.com/movie/0snchzjVjC50   (0:57)
Rock Paper Phaser   http://goanimate.com/movie/0uBdRUfVHfwM  (1:44)
Unlikely Heroes http://goanimate.com/movie/0ZaAgIrSWekI (0:59)
Tutorials By the GoA Community  http://goanimate.com/movie/0dTz8EH3MiV8 (0:45)
Spock Joins the Circus!  http://goanimate.com/movie/0cdsjo70qcf4 (2:00)

She is a Klingon Warrior!  http://goanimate.com/videos/0cnMy85mVg7Y  (3:04)

It is a good day to die!  http://goanimate.com/videos/0RiRcCiQFKdw (0:45)

The Doctor aka SO T

The Doctor aka SO T  Some Trek, mostly not.
A Star Trek Christmas   http://goanimate.com/movie/0qGeKGy2SFmA  (1:33)  A Review: Fan Film Friday: Star Trek: ‘Merry Christmas!’
Star Trekkin'  http://goanimate.com/movie/0tLeR3REU5eM   (1:50)
Star Trek: Inception  http://goanimate.com/movie/06_MBL1kVitw  (2:00)
Surfing the Wind   http://goanimate.com/movie/0smJKDCVZASw   (2:00) (Music Video)
Stick Trek!  http://goanimate.com/movie/00hwYTWaP0oM  (1:06)
Star Trek: Ask the Crew  http://goanimate.com/movie/0SJZTMj2s4rU   (0:49)
Star Trek: Absent Predators http://goanimate.com/movie/0wf2gVno5mlI   (2:00)


The Tymber's Channel (You Tube Only)
Retarded Star Trek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1MHDs4QJE  (0:37)


Klingons Win!?!  http://goanimate.com/movie/0rp4F5s1D3XA  (0:53)
The Next Generation Is Here! http://goanimate.com/movie/01hviJqFl2Ps  (0:37) (Intro for a film or show)
The Dark Side Is Here! http://goanimate.com/movie/0qQr4E-Sjz7s/1 (0:40) (bad guys!)

Star Trek: Infestation (Main Menu) http://goanimate.com/movie/0UqbfMr7vU0U (0:54)

Trailer : http://goanimate.com/movie/0aokwmJUf06Q/1 (0:36)
Part 1: http://goanimate.com/movie/0swd6OBM_1nE/1 (1:59)
Part 2: http://goanimate.com/movie/0L101IfjjfNg/1 (1:59)

Part 3: http://goanimate.com/movie/0AUIilI0qxZw/1 (1:47)
Part 4: http://goanimate.com/movie/0raWOGDWaWqQ/1 (1:37)
Part 5: http://goanimate.com/movie/0nzMZ-s-EAO4/1 (1:49)
Part 6: http://goanimate.com/movie/0ozoa849uLP8/1 (1:46)
Part 7: (Finale): http://goanimate.com/movie/0mpmgrfMgQ94/1 (1:43)

Cohn Trek Channel

Cohn Trek Channel
Bunny Trek, the Tribble Race (1:59)


Music Video: Stranger to Love  http://goanimate.com/movie/031DZ9XYZ8W4  (3:47)


Welcome (to Go!Animate)(1:14) (Uses Trek characters).


Star Trek In Love  http://goanimate.com/movie/06SFOcZUewSE  (4:11)

Digital Shark

 Digital Shark
1 Trek video:  If Treks Never Happened  http://goanimate.com/movie/0cLAs6coxEIg/1  (3:18).  Uses Shatner's recording of "Mr. Tambourine Man."


Love Federation Style  http://goanimate.com/movie/0U6FEwBzUWd0  (2:36)
Spock Does Better with Gorns   http://goanimate.com/movie/0p78aN67yEBg (0:43)
Obama's Take on Mirror Spock  http://goanimate.com/movie/09a2SUeG0FZ4  (4:24)
Very, Very, Very Old Whisky  http://goanimate.com/movie/0P-o2St3c3Rg  (0:26)
Wrong Turn: A tribute  http://goanimate.com/videos/0laR5oFR0WUk  (1:40)Spock Meets Mirror Spock  http://goanimate.com/movie/0qD7eBqGsBiU  (0:29)

Fascinating Tales
Episode 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0LLcFXfCuCQQ  (2:43)
Episode 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/09zGo0n97Dxo  (3:15)


Ad for Crunchgear.com(0:29) (Crunchgear Announcement)


Spock Meets Santa  http://goanimate.com/movie/0lUaPKKkAA4M  (1:19) A somewhat reasonable mix in which, yes, Spock meets Santa...
Mara's Past  http://goanimate.com/movie/0FzUQ-f-9J1s  (1:20)  Lead in video for Vulcan's Next Top Model.
Vulcan's Next Top Model  http://goanimate.com/movie/0dOhkawWRwoE  (6:21) (take off on Model program using Trek characters and sets)


Star Trek: The Return of Khan
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0dDYuBR_VPQo  (1:38)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0DWGkBbiQTVU  (1:20)
The Enterprise v. Obama and Biden   http://goanimate.com/movie/0OFdJ_nDwPuY (0:35)


Star Trek
1.2   The Search for Uhura:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0kgFALTaBJXk  (2:43)
1.3   Tweetfleet  http://goanimate.com/movie/0K13UOFJaLIo  (3:02) at You Tube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7NlQbw6B5k  (3:04)
1.4   Gorn Origins  http://goanimate.com/movie/0UdEbZACzHc8  (3:18) at You Tube: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zpyL8_qaxA (3:19)
1.5   Budget Crisis  http://goanimate.com/movie/0acjriclOWEM  (4:03) at You Tube:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtqV-vq4kTY (4:05)

PaulToon's YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePaulToon#p/u shows up as "Does Not Exist". All the above links as well as Paultoon's Go!Animate Home Page at http://goanimate.com/user/0TMDlldrIofM show as "Unavailable" and will probably remain so for the foreseeable future.

Cobolt 1365

 Cobolt 1365
Star Trek p.i.   http://goanimate.com/movie/0P5iqdUm1CNY  (1:01)
Priority One  http://goanimate.com/movie/0SN3K-rTfBzA  (1:41)

SF crowsnest Dot com

SF crowsnest Dot com
The Rise of Iron Moon (2:27)
Where has Christmas Gorn?
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0qt77ks_QIqw (1:55)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0cSqgYnx2u5M (1:49)


Captain's Log   http://goanimate.com/movie/0jlb8k-pNF-0  (3:04)
Review of the JJA Star Trek movie:  Star Trek 30 Second Review http://goanimate.com/movie/0pPK0azjRloc (0:29)
Star Trexx  http://goanimate.com/movie/0uC0rGs3F4Gk  (1:51)



Space Trek
1.  The New Girl: http://goanimate.com/movie/0C5-KSQHIfxU  (0:39)
2.  Testing a New Gun:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0xRZmQhYItCY  (0:36)
3.   Seven Year Itch:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0Uk-6IJsW1Rg  (0:55)
4.   Intruders   http://goanimate.com/movie/0yg254xd52zY (1:17)

Star Trek: Omega
1.  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ctUFb2smKzY  (1:46)
2.  http://goanimate.com/movie/0kG9vflU0_X0  (2:13)
3.  http://goanimate.com/movie/0tYFzO-mNIgo  (1:27)

Star Trek: First Encounter with The Gorn  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ZfGrC7_U9q8  (2:49)
Star Trek: Back Stories  http://goanimate.com/movie/0HrjvMyr0bhc   (4:17)
Star Trek V: Shore Leave (mashupmadnes)   http://goanimate.com/movie/0DrJtHlnbShY (2:44)
To the Bridge!  http://goanimate.com/movie/0QSRioGgEXWk  (2:45)
Bad Star Trek Jokes (Clean)  http://goanimate.com/movie/0dhNRkO5_kiU  (2:25)
Star Trek Aftermath  http://goanimate.com/movie/06FiIZ0wilj8/1   (1:46)
ST Party Seek  http://goanimate.com/movie/0QT4wxaxsdqg/1  (1:11)

Star Trek Red. (A Christmas Story)
1.  http://goanimate.com/movie/04tf7Y8D2JYg  (3:03)
2.  http://goanimate.com/movie/0GUeGy6ajmys  (2:00)

ST Party Seek http://goanimate.com/videos/0QT4wxaxsdqg (1:11)


Four Trek animations, all completed before September 2009.
Star Trek: "Lady with the Lamp"  http://goanimate.com/movie/0SU8z_Sk4YJM  (10:35)
Star Trek: "Shadows of the Mind."
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0GC14KPyvA2Y  (3:59)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ANEkliTGmcw  (4:32)
Part 3:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0h-HiwAml2_s  (5:48)

Paula and Terry

Paula and Terry
Two Trek animations, both completed before June 2009.
The Dilemma Within   http://goanimate.com/movie/0oL9HsfGWiRg (2:38)
The Quibble with Nibbles  http://goanimate.com/movie/0Hza45eMEcso  (3:32)


A handful of assorted Trek related animations among many others.  This animator is well liked among his fellows at Go!Animate.

To Bee or Not to Bee... The Origin of the Gorn.  http://goanimate.com/movie/0p0aBdfJdqGo   (2:16)
You've Got A Friend In Me (Trek Characters, reminds people of Toy Story)  http://goanimate.com/movie/00fndPpFrtnE   (2:44)
This Old Ship http://goanimate.com/videos/0FHKDPi16nsw (3:00)
Enterprise Life: Physicals  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ZS3qTw0wpoQ  (4:07)
Enterprise Life: Down Time http://goanimate.com/videos/0G3GPk3vpETo   (3:50)

Enterprise Life: Training Day   http://goanimate.com/videos/0h9RUVER1vvA (4:14)

Ludvig II

Ludvig II
Mostly crossover videos, some within Trek, some with other franchises, some with real life people.
Kirk v. Picard  http://goanimate.com/movie/0Xwb56h3BwRc  (5:26)
Trekkin' to the Simpson's Couch  http://goanimate.com/movie/06t_qZx5soMw  (0:48)
They're Trekkin' to the Hobbits to Isengard  http://goanimate.com/movie/0WXF-9nIxbuk  (2:10)
Star Trek Inspirations   http://goanimate.com/movie/0BY5mWiOsNbI  (3:55)
(Includes Trek characters, not Trek) Go!Animate Pinball Count  http://goanimate.com/movie/0jIrJAzmrMHk  (2:08)
The Gorn Identity  http://goanimate.com/movie/0H2G886dj7Nk  (1:26)
Kirk v. Leeroy Jenkins  http://goanimate.com/movie/0AymSC5OaHjQ   (2:47)

Friday, November 25, 2011


includes 8 part Wrath of Khan.

Wrath of Khan
Part 1: (missing)
Part 2 (1:04)
Part 3 (1:04)
Part 4 (0:57)
Part 5 (2:23)
Part 6 (0:43)
Part 7 (1:21)
Part 8 (1:57)

Twit Trek Trailer  (2:20)
Twit Trek  (3:12)
1701 Refit Test  (0:46)
Picard and Data   http://goanimate.com/movie/0R6F3m69B67M  (0:14)

Star Trek: The Borg.  Mixes TOS crew and voices with this TNG challenge.
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/06GYkLionj_s  (4:40)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0QGTU_2OPHh4/1 (2:24)
Part 3:  http://goanimate.com/movie/05rab9a8SKvY/1 (1:54)
Part 4:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0rYhy3F8TYhk/1 (1:55)
Part 5:  http://goanimate.com/videos/0UT6wpV1Sd80/1 (3:05) (Complete)
A Review: Fan Film Friday: Star Trek: The Borg

The Doomsday Machine (uses voices from the original TOS episode)
 Part 1:http://goanimate.com/videos/0J1bPixZH-d8 (5:08)
Part 2: http://goanimate.com/videos/0idLQ3iATTCU  (4:22)

Farewell Star Trek http://goanimate.com/videos/0pwXbfNs7Npk (1:22)
Star Trek Bridge 2.0  http://goanimate.com/videos/0RaF_ETPA0js  (0:09)


5 animations, all Trek.
Highly Illogical Animation  (2:33)
Kirk Waxes Philosophical  (2:45)
trailer  (0:33)
Old Spock Test   (0:06)
Trek Trailer Long  (2:14)

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Damar's animations contain depictions of drunkenness, the use of illegal drugs by characters usually admired, and foul language.  The can be found at Star Trek Restricted, here: http://startrekrestricted.blogspot.com/2009/11/post-8.html

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


1 Star Trek Video, "How I'll Use Google Wave"(1:47). It appears to be a commercial for Google Wave.



Four animations, all Trek:
 STNS Preview (Star Trek New Series)  (0:54)
Star Trek Reenaction: The Trouble With Tribbles (6:31)
Star Trek Spock PSA  (0:25)
Star Trek Kirk PSA  (0:26)

Captain Garver

Captain Garver

Star Trek Catspaw (2:23)


Star Trek: The Orphan Part 1(7:35) Part 2(9:40) Part 3(10:26) Part 4(10:59)
Top Ten Lines that Never Made it to Star Trek(4:00)
Nothin' Like a Dame(4:35)
Music Video Trek the Halls(3:00)
Reformation of a Mirror(1:55)-Trailer for a planned series.
52 minutes 10 Seconds with more planned.


  A single animation: Star Trek: The Enterprise Goes to Planet Neatorama http://goanimate.com/movie/0VG4dkKmpev4/1 (0:42)


  A single animation: TrekMovie http://goanimate.com/movie/0E9s9UZpjjWM/1  (0:33) which is an advertisement for http://trekmovie.com



Help Wanted, Star Trek (3:01)
Star Trek What If  (2:00)


Ayo Spockology   http://goanimate.com/movie/0w_FTNNTwyOs (4:35)
Spock Gets Lost   http://goanimate.com/movie/0tzqxg9ucQt4 (1:10)
Star Trek Bad Romance  http://goanimate.com/movie/0PImCiyc_MoQ (2:00)

Weirdo Trek
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0vDke_goB0qw  (1:43)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0lEO78b2CWbw  (1:54)
Part 3:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0q1-aDNNpZ_I  (1:53)



Star Trek Stunner (1:24)
Star Trek (1:53)
Attack of the Virus (1:59)

Intro to Mirror Spock Pt. 1  (1:45)
Intro to Mirror Spock Pt. 2  (1:53)

Iso Metrix

Iso Metrix
Starmada Finale Entry (1:44) http://goanimate.com/movie/05LfZm38Bx8I

Star Trek Titan
Season 1 Intro http://goanimate.com/movie/08_GYajHalyY   (0:50)
Ep. 1 "The Departure & Quo" http://goanimate.com/movie/0v7BHSaxTfsY (4:34)
Ep. 2 pt. 1 "Cyborg to Android"  http://goanimate.com/movie/0e9UOe_TOeBw (4:00)
Ep. 2 pt. 2 "Cyborg to Android"  http://goanimate.com/movie/0Ewf4yaeO_7M  (3:04)
A big Star Trek favor:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ZLiJcwMdNng  (1:17)
Ep. 3 pt 1 "naughty and nice" http://goanimate.com/movie/028kovresAAU (2:37)



Star Trek   http://goanimate.com/movie/0n9EY2U30tEc  (0:51)

Red Hood

Red Hood , formerly Gotham and Animation Warfare.

Galaxy War
Episode 1 http://goanimate.com/movie/02zDeYwvaeI0/1  (1:04)
Episode 1.5   http://goanimate.com/movie/0KViTs7pnTvs  (1:04)  
Not a complete story.  Ends "To be continued " as of Nov. 2011.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


As of Nov. 23, 2011, 10 videos.

Star Trek:

The First Mission:  (0:52)
The Kobayashi Maru
Part 1:  (1:23)
Part 2:  (0:54)
Part 3:  (1:20)
The Final Mission:  (1:00)
Attack of The Infinite Vulcans
Part 1:  (1:27)
Part 2:  (1:49)
Part 3:  (1:26)
Part 4:  (1:07)
Part 5:  (1:56)

Star Trek: The Mirror http://goanimate.com/videos/0C6pI552pnFc  (1:58)
Star Trek Killing Time Trailer  http://goanimate.com/videos/0wzHsWJyYl4U (0:58)
Part 1:   http://goanimate.com/videos/01xzx5EPg3bI (1:30)
Star Trek: The Mirror Menace. http://goanimate.com/videos/0sZT1xdvw85c  (0:55)



Episode 4, Trouble with Bunnies(1:44)

a crossover Star Trek/Star Wars animation, Star Trek Wars:
Part 1(4:48)
Part 2(4:38)
  Part 3  incomplete as of May 21, 2010  Not found Nov., 2011.

Star Trek E4 featuring Happy  Bunny http://goanimate.com/videos/0beZH1LJoLuQ (1:44)


Arsenalrule is creating his own "Star Trek" series.

Season 1
Episode 1(4:00)
Episode 2(3:04)
Episode 3(2:56)

Star Wars v. Star Trek
Episode 1 (3:34)
Episode 2 (8:29)

Coming attraction: Star Trek: The End of the Universe http://goanimate.com/movie/01vOUfDZlXPk/1  (2:52)
and more...

Carson Middle School

Carson Middle School
An Assortment of Math Videos

Star Trek Math(5:12). This is an introduction to a few basic arithmetic and very simple algebra ideas with the crew of the Enterprise having the level of knowledge on this subject of elementary schoolers.  Appears to have been done by a young person.  By Logan Hampton, Wyatt Shurley, Zach Hienz, Christian Hendee


Star Trek (several videos)
Episode 1: http://goanimate.com/movie/0YpIsCstavqw  (3:05)
Episode 2: http://goanimate.com/movie/0jMse4z023aA  (2:07)
I can do that (Trek?) http://goanimate.com/movie/0EpySpwiYhtI  (2:20)
Episode 3:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0YApNKOME89c  (4:08)
Episode 4:  (Spooktacular)   http://goanimate.com/movie/0_hK7v4ATy8E (3:11)
Intro to Voices (Trek?)   http://goanimate.com/movie/0BrPh-Tmu8T0 (2:31)
Star Trek: The Lives Around You http://goanimate.com/movie/0IpINtKKAOQM  (2:53)
Episode 5:  "Over" Part 1: http://goanimate.com/movie/0BwW9JB-L-xs (4:19)



Mini Attack of the Non-Ferocious Tribbles http://goanimate.com/movie/0OlEyn9BMUiI  (0:23)

Star Trekker 2.0 (several videos)
Episode 1: Unusuality: http://goanimate.com/movie/08-DaQ4OXfC0 (2:21)
Episode 2: Beam Me Up: http://goanimate.com/movie/0C5rFyHcpKg0 (0:44)
Episode 3: He's Dead.... Jim? :  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ggzjGUwFx7M  (0:54)
Pt. 1: Goin Off The Subject:  http://goanimate.com/movie/01eGOvrYKaF0 (1:15)
Kirk, You Man-hore You! http://goanimate.com/movie/0KYsawQraqDA  (1:15)
Splitz Worldz  http://goanimate.com/movie/0VaDZh_-QeFc  (1:29)

The Cheapest, Shortest, Stupidest, Star Trek Vid!!  http://goanimate.com/movie/0mdswJwC8U6c (0:14)
Splitz Worldz Episode 2 http://goanimate.com/movie/0016TwLoLD9E  (1:08)

Yuki Kurahashii

Yuki Kurahashii previously known as Yuki Haruno
Star Trek Tragedy Part 1 (2:22)
Star Trek Tragedy Part 2 (4:40)
Star Trek Episode 1 Future of Japan(1:40)
Spock Tribute: The Vulcan Nerve Pinch (1:38)

Antonia Bradley

AntoniaBradley Appears to be an elementary school science teacher using these Trek animations for her classes:
Science Lesson(1:47)(Video cheers Mrs. Bradley's Science lesson)
Gravity Song(2:51)


Nooma   One Trek animation
I'm a Doctor(0:23)


babajaan  (1 Trek animation)
One Star Trek Animation, "cart"(0:04)


CafeBrazil (1 animation)
Star Trek Fusion: Episode 1, The Date.(4:08)

Ranger Roy

The Crew is Lost(1:08)
Race to the Engine Room(1:24)
Mara, Mara, Mara(4:01)
The Farragut Transmittion(2:32) (fan film of a fan film)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mr. Sulu And Bill

Star Trek: Excelsior (Space Spheres, Parts 1 and 2). Part 1  (0:52) Part 2  (1:06)

The Mr. Sulu and Bill Show(0:55)
Guest: Viceroy of Usurystan(0:10)


Darx http://goanimate.com/user/0JbIEHTW3lag
Star Darx http://goanimate.com/movie/0PM0w4y_yxBg (0:36)


 KirkJamesT Over 26 minutes of Trek Animations.

Random Encounters(0:25)
To Boldly Go...(0:50)
Klingon Incursion(1:09)
Mysterious Happenings(1:56)

Tomorrow's End
Part 1(2:06) Part 2(2:29) Part 3(3:04) Part 4(3:26) Part 5(3:29)

The Horizon Incident
Part 1(3:42) Part 2(2:21) Part 3(2:25)

Captain's Duty(1:29)


 Barbre44(This is NOT me!)

The Troubled Time(4:15)
Part 2(4:39)
Part 3.1(3:46)
Part 3.2(3:03)

The Cheneyling
Part 1(2:40)
Part 2(2:31)

My Enemy, My Friend(1:51)

Captain Sideways

Captain Sideways http://goanimate.com/user/04B6hr0Xo7u8
star trek madness updated!(1:09)
star trek madness 2(1:01)
captain kirks family episde one(0:56)
capt. kirk's familiy 2(1:06)
star trek the bed wars(0:45)
star trek the bed wars 2(1:21)
thats so scotty!(1:04)


 WCADE  has taken it upon himself to rewrite some of Trek's original episodes to fit into the aternate timeline of J.J. Abrams new Star Trek movie. Intended to be humorous. 5 episodes, one cartoon each, plus a cartoon expressing the Gorn's viewpoint.

Star Trek "Amok Time" (Alternate Timeline)(2:43)
Star Trek "Space Seed" (Alternate Timeline)(1:38)
Star Trek "Doomsday Machine" (Alternate Timeline)(2:40)
Star Trek "All Our Yesterdays"(Alternate Timeline)(1:30)
Star Trek "Journey to Babel" (Alternate Timeline)(3:03)
Gorn Trek(3:48)


Go!Animate provides tools to help people create animated films with sound or word and thought balloons. There are many who have taken advantage of these tools, which include Star Trek characters and sets.  I will  list some of the animators who create English language films, or at least the 'pen' names used by the animators,  together with links to their home page at Go!Animate in the webpages that follow.  I will also include many of their Trek offerings.  It should be noted, however, that these webpage addresses change often, and that many of these animators release a short, then make it not available for viewing, so this list is in greater flux and less reliable than most of those in Star Trek Reviewed.  There are at this writing over five dozen animators, but only a few that have created series, or notable works.  I initially tried to put those I suspect of having produced more quality and more volume higher in the list, but at this point the list is growing organically, with newly discovered named being added at the bottom without regard to quality or volume.  In addition, I am moving the non-English filmmakers to other webpages/blogs, as set out below.

English Language Animators were originally set out in a list unless they have produced in excess of 1 hour of Star Trek animation, (or close to it) in which case each is mentioned, but have been (or will shortly be) assigned their own webpages/blogs.  The first 50 are listed in the next blog, and 50 each are listed in blogs that follow. However, this entire group is now moving to Star Trek Reviewed-Go!Animate, here: http://startrekreviewed-goanimate.blogspot.com/.   In it, every animator will get their own page, but you will need to navigate only through the Go!Animate Table of Contents or the  Go!Animate Index

These were assigned their own webpages here, which have not yet been removed.  However, their listings at Star Trek Reviewed- Go!Animate have been updated in October and November of 2011, while the older ones are more than a year out of date.  The best choices are:
Lord Sorcery Villains Haven
Spock Prime Plague

New: MattyGSpot

Some of these animators have produced non-Star Trek animations.  This are usually not noted, as they are beyond the scope of this website.  Each filmmaker is numbered in the Blogs that follow.  Most have not been reviewed.  Producers with 45 minutes-60 minutes can be either here or on their own page. Go!Animate has it's own Star Trek Channel: http://goanimate.com/channel/startrek  I have neither watched nor rated most of the films on this website.  Films that have no comment about rating next to them have not been rated.  Filmmakers that do not have film enumerated under them and no ratings have not been rated, and their output has been measured for neither quantity nor quality.

The following blogs/webpages also offer Go!Animate work:
Non-English Star Trek Fan Films has an Hungarian animation.
Short One-Shots Has a Valentine's Day card animation.
Italian Language Star Trek Fan Films has Go!Animate Trek animations in Italian.
French Language Star Trek Fan Films has Go!Animate animators who are listed as producing French language Trek animations
Portuguese Language Star Trek Fan Films has Go!Animate animators who are listed as producing Portuguese language Trek animations

More About Go!Animate
 Go!Animate is a website that has created easy animations of TOS characters, and increasingly also TNG era characters. Go!Animate provides already drawn figures for each of TOS crewmembers, as well as a ship.  The motions are limited and stilted.  However, many different people use their tools for very different shows. What they all have in common is that they all use Shockwave, which seems to crash pretty easily, at least on my computer. I have to close the window and reopen it to get it to play, but not reboot the whole computer.  For this reason, I am going to try to create links to each animated segment on a separate page to minimize this crashing eventually. Most of the creators, in the blogs that follow, have product I have not examined.

Tools have been created to permit the use of new backgrounds and cartoon figures, but the original cartoon Avatars, were created by Coady ("TNP") Nickerson, who created ToonPub. http://www.toonpub.com/


JTR3KK3R  Homepage:  http://goanimate.com/user/0o60auYD7Jd0   As of  June 22, 2010, has over 1 hour of Trek animations.   He also has this website:  http://jtrekker2.webnode.com/  but it is less complete than his Go!Animate user page.  For some projects, it is easier to use.  Teen or pre-teen Trek.

Star Trek: Anvil .   3 Seasons  total time (19:22)
Season 1
Part 1(1:41) Part 2(1:32) Part 3(1:25) Part 4(3:00)
Season 2
Part 1(1:21) Part 2(1:09) Part 3(1:08) Part 4(0:59)
Season 3
Part 1(1:02) Part 2(0:58) Part 3(1:22) Part 4(1:13) Part 5(1:04) Part 6(1:47)

ST: TNG Lost total time: (5:44)
Ep. 1(0:56) Ep. 2(2:01) Ep. 3(1:20) Ep. 4(1:27)

Star Trek: The Wrath of Farts  total time: (12:49)
1(2:36) 2(2:05) 3(2:10) 4(3:38) 5(2:20)

ST: TNG Misconceptions total time: (15:07)
Act 1(3:48) Act 2(4:35) Act 3(3:52) Act 4(2:52) Act 5 (2:28)

How Great is Star Trek (Comedy Shorts)  total time  (3:10)
E1(1:06) E2(0:56) E3(1:08) E4 (0:39)

Klingon Fight(0:23)
Attack at Starbase 23(0:52)
Star Trekkin(3:32)
I wish I was Captain Kirk (Poem, includes vocals)(1:01)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spock Prime Plague

Spock Prime  http://goanimate.com/user/0W8QbTiq61_Y    In addition to the stories listed here, he has produced both Trek music videos and non-Trek work.  I am treating his "Late Night with Mr. Spock" as non-Trek work, in spite of the weird use of Spock in it.  You can find it by looking through his videos at his Go!Animate page.

Spock's Revenge:  http://goanimate.com/movie/06TUhLglVByw  (0:40)

Star Trek On The Road Again: http://goanimate.com/movie/0ZsqgcrCqXSQ  (0:33)

Star Trek: Amok Time (Again)  http://goanimate.com/movie/0ANE_VdwdE6Q  (0:31)

Spock Investigates: http://goanimate.com/movie/0ERSrMPWxldc  (6:09)

A Star Trek Christmas:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0SGUzAPDqUL0 (2:22)

Star Trek: The Secret Missions
Star Trek Secret Missions: http://goanimate.com/movie/0P1GGcc6Vgl8  (6:42)
Preview:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0tCrJy_iyr6U  (0:22)
1)  Extinction Spock:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0c16KrC_oCls/1  (5:16) 
2)  Dreadnaught:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0mZhkDaEO51o/1  (7:43)
3)  Galactica:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0VDCFXP7XPKc/1  (8:32)
4)  Reprise:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0AOgJ4ZEti0M/1 (5:42)

Does McCoy have Turret's Syndrome?:   http://goanimate.com/movie/0VFJR6hMJHVg (1:05)

Spock'Q Part 1 http://goanimate.com/movie/09Yfn5Vby8uI (4:47)

Star Trek: The Go!Animate Series
Intro:  http://goanimate.com/movie/04udxizUG6vM  (2:04)
Part 1:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0LDMJvHCRLhk  (4:26)
Part 2:  http://goanimate.com/movie/06DOWp1briBY  (4:20)
Part 3:  http://goanimate.com/movie/0YtiH9ATWZWM  (4:53)

The Socialist Network: (the Spock Prime clearly doesn't have a clue what the word 'socialism' means) http://goanimate.com/videos/0lu2P5JJNVOs (0:56)

Star Trek: Kharma
Part 1 http://goanimate.com/videos/0SRwx0NvZNxA (2:00)
Part 2 http://goanimate.com/videos/0TVBarrrfe38 (1:49)
Part 3 http://goanimate.com/videos/0pSeFHG9lxcs (1:54) (Finale)

Star Trek: Vulcan Retreat  http://goanimate.com/videos/0utuRF2kVY_g (1:28)

         Star Trek: The Secret Missions
                 Star Trek: Galactica http://goanimate.com/user/0W8QbTiq61_Y (8:32) NOTES[word ballons are not left up on the screen long enough] Six months after dropping Khan and his supporters off, the Enterprise, fully loaded with supplies, is sent to check on how they are doing.  She is interrupted before she gets there and told to dump their supplies, and sent, instead, to a disturbance along the boarder of the neutral zone.   They dump their supplies with the intention of retrieving them later.  But they hit Seti Alpha 5 and destroy the civilization Khan and his people have built.  Khan blames Kirk.  In the neutral zone the energy disturbance looks like a growing green galaxy, with energy readings, "off the scale."  A post-nuclear age ship capable of low warp (1.5) emerges from the distubance.  It's Lorne Green, the original captain of the Battlestar Galactica.  His engines are failing and he seeks and get assistance from Kirk.  Other ships appear, and before the Enterprise can get out of there, the Cylons attack both the Galactica and the Enterprise.  Ensin Ro, one of the crewmen assisting the Galactica dies before he can get back into the shuttle to flee.  A Klingon bird of Prey appears, but Spock manages to send both the Galactica and the Cylons to their own galaxy and damage the Bird of Prey with one strike.  They begin their return to Federation Space.  Meanwhile, the Cylons have combined the remains of Ensin Ro with technology to create a Borg.   (Mixed series, Rating: 2.5, that would be a 3.5 if not for the mixed series.)

   Star Trek Secret Missions: Reprise (5:42) http://goanimate.com/user/0W8QbTiq61_Y  Silly almost to the point of unable to follow.  The balloons appear and disappear too quickly, but the messages are pointless, anyway.  For some reason the TOS crew is out on the TNG Enterprise while Chekov fixes their own.  There are malfunctions.  An alien ship and doomsday machine appear, Picard beams them off the TNG Enterprise, then is beamed off the TOS Enterprise by a call to "No. 1".  ??????.  Rating: 1

Here is a review of Spock Prime's "Twas the Night Before Christmas" Fan Film Friday: Holiday Special .  I find this to be a pretty straitforward retelling of the poem "Twas the night before Christmas" very slightely adopted to Spock alone on the bridge.  Short, no rating.

Secret Missions Soon To Return is just a flash of an assortment of pictures from what I take it are past animations, roughly half a minute. Spock's Revenge (39 seconds).  Spock beams Kirk onto a Klingon ship for no apparent reason but anger.

Star Trek Secret Missions (6:42) Rating 2. This is incoherent, as Scotty's explanation that he separated the last two parts of the ship doesn't add up to two operational ships, and why would Star Fleet Command ask Kirk to follow Mudd?  The whole show makes no sense.  Mildly entertaining, though.    "Junk Yard Dogs".  The Enterprise comes to a halt, and another Federation vessel appears.  Kirk awaits orders from Admiral Mendez.  They give over the Con, and Kirk and Spock join McCoy in a bowling ally awaiting orders.  Spock and McCoy fight until a request comes in from Commadore  Atkins (sic) that they follow him to Alpha Jo 5.  Kirk go to the Com, orders Spock to research Atkins and Bones to get Sickbay ready for he doesn't know what.  Scene switches to the other ship, where we see that Atkins is a Sim for some other type of being.  Spock finds little, but we see the other ship is not manned by humans or Vulcans or other known species, but by robotic looking beings.  The Enterprise follows the other ship, as requested.  They are confronted by a triangle of ships communicating in code Uhura can't understand.  She sends it to Spock.  Now we see that Harry Mudd is in charge of the other ship.  Soon, we are told they have a weapon that can cut through the Enterprise in seconds.  Mudd demands surrender.  Kirk separates the saucer section and both sections attack Mudd's ships without them firing at either.  Two are destroyed, one disabled, and the Enterprise can return to being a single ship.  Except, no one is out of the saucer ,so the other part just keeps flying through space.  Scotty explains the connection is the last step in ship assembly, so he just reversed that.